Sangoma Medicine coming to the USA

Ancient prophecies predict that African and American teachings will help save the planet. The reason is that they still remember the old ways and how to reconnect us to Mother Nature. I have been encouraged by my Xhosa teachers and medicine colleagues to bring our ancient teachings to the Western World. These teachings are simple and profound, focusing on helping people to reconnect to their Ancestors and Dreams.

The Sangoma tradition in Southern Africa is literally thousands of years old. I am lucky to be part of the Xhosa lineage that represents one of the oldest living shamanic cultures in the world today. The ceremonies we perform are simple and profound encouraging people to go deep within themselves and their roots (ancestors).

The ancient ways teach us that it is no important how high we travel but how deep we go within ourselves. Because all life's questions about destiny, pain and suffering reside in our DNA. Our ancestors, and all of life within the great mother have battled with these questions. When we sit and ponder the question of 'why are we alive' and what is life all about we are left with a deep question ? This question takes us directly into the world of the mystic, sage, shaman, where it is okay to not know and this not knowing world opens our minds to multiple dimensions beyond time and space.

In South African Sangoma culture all spiritual journeys begin with saying our name out to the universe and announcing ourselves to all our Ancestors. For we believe that the first gift our parents gave us was our name. And our name holds within it the seeds of our destiny. In the same way that a small acorn holds the seed and potential of becoming a great oak tree. Gratitude is central to Xhosa ritual. We invoke our ancestors by showing gratitude to them for the gift of life. For without them we wouldn't be here.  The question is never 'what can our ancestors do for us, but rather what can we do for them'. For the circle of life needs to be healed now more than ever before. We heal the circle by welcoming our elders home to us and thanking them for the sacrifices they made.

Join me in ceremony. Here are a list of dates and places  where I will be in the USA.

I look forward to meeting you.

Warmest wishes,

John Lockley,

Ucingolwendaba (Above) I stand  with my medicine colleagues, Elliot Rivera from Puerto Rico, brought up in New York; and Dancing Thunder, medicine chief of the Susquehannock nation.

Portland, Oregon


st -


th  October

  • 4th - 6th, Workshop: Dancing with our Ancestors

  • 7th - 9th, Individual Sangoma Healing or Divination Sessions.

New York City


th - 


th  October

  • 10th Thursday - Edgar Cayce Center (ARE)

  • Public Talk: Introduction to Xhosa Sangoma Medicine

  • 11th - New York Shamanic Circle (NYSC) - Open Circle

  • A time for the Community to gather, pray, rattle, drum and dance.

  • John will lead the group in some dancing, drumming & praying.

  • By Donation: $20

  • 12th - 13th, Workshop: Healing through Dreaming

  • To Book: Click on ARE website

  • 20th - New York Shamanic Circle's 15th Annual Gathering in Central Park.

  • A gathering of indigenous & urban shamans from all cultures and walks of life.

  • 15th - 17th, Sangoma Sessions with John focusing on

  • Individual Healing Or Divination

  • 21st - 24th

  • To Book: Email Lubaina,

  • Tel: 978-595-2926

  • Cost: $151 preferable in cash

  • 26th & 27th, John will be leading a ceremony over the weekend entitled, 'Ancestral Blessing Ceremony'.

  • To book: email

  • Phone: Irma 718 396 4246

Trance Dancing the Ancient Way

In Southern Africa we 'Sweat our prayers' through the trance dance or ‘xentsa’ .

This dancing practice is an integral part of traditional Southern African life. Traditional healers known as Sangomas use the dance to connect to their ancestral spirits. The word ‘Sangoma’ literally means ‘people of the song’ because they use particular kinds of chants and rhythms to connect to the spirit world. Sangomas are the traditional Shamans or medicine people of Southern Africa. The job of a Sangoma is to ‘nceda abantu ukuvula indlela’ – to help people realise their spiritual calling. For we believe that when people are in harmony with themselves then they are in harmony with the world around them. There is no word for depression in the Xhosa and Zulu language from SouthAfrica, only ‘umoya phezulu’ okanye ‘umoya phantsi’. Spirit energy up or spirit energy down. Through rhythm and song the Sangoma helps to uplift people and in doing so helps them realise their spiritual potential.

The Sangoma rhythm is part of the sacred music from South Africa. Whenever a Sangoma plays their drum in a particular way it is said that they invoke the spirits of the land and community. The drum beat is a particular heart beat rhythm that helps ground, calm and connect people to their roots (ancestors). I have been playing my drum and singing my Sangoma chants all over the world. I am pleased to say that no matter where I am people connect with their ancestors in the most profound and humbling ways. I have often been touched to hear people in New York or Mexico come to me a few days after a ceremony, recounting beautiful and uplifting dreams from their ancestors. Music is truly universal, and the Sangoma drum is a call to spirit and the unseen world. Now let us wake up! Now let us rejoice in the beauty of being alive. With our chants, hands and feet, we pound the earth and feel at one with all things. Camagu!  (We honour & praise the divine).

On the 17th August Londoners will dance and shake their bones like never before. Are you ready to wake up?

Xhosa Tribe Sangoma/Shaman Teaching by John Lockley of South Africa

Featuring John Lockley, Xhosa Sangoma/Shaman of South Africa, who leads ceremonies in his native South Africa, Xhosa tradition, worldwide. He is unique in being initiated in three timeless traditions: African Shamanism as a Xhosa Songoma, Yoga and Zen Buddhism, and he also holds a degree in Clinical Psychology. John is reputed to be one of the first white men in recent history to become a fully initiated Shaman, or Sangoma, in the Xhosa lineage of South Africa—the tribe that gave us Nelson Mandela and Desmond Tutu. Shot on location at the Brooklyn Society for Ethical Culture, Brooklyn, NY, USA October 11, 2012

Traditional healers or shamans (Sangomas) of the Xhosa People of South Africa use sacred ceremonies involving herbs, songs and trance rhythms to connect with the ancestors and the natural world to encourage a profound remembering and honoring of the human spirit. John Lockley is a fully initiated and trained Sangoma entrusted to bring traditional Xhosa medicine to anyone seeking this sacred remembering and connection.